Homeopathy in Esher / Hinchley Wood
near Surbiton and Kingston
Merran Sell LCH, BH (Hons), RSHom

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The reason why I became interested and involved in homeopathy is because it treats the person as a whole rather than just considering symptoms in isolation, i.e. a sore throat. As a scientist, as well as a homeopath, it makes sense since the body is made up of various systems, respiratory, digestive, circulatory, to name a few, so obviously what you take in by mouth will circulate all around the body.

Homeopathy enables me to look at the wider picture in order to ascertain what is affecting the patient from all aspects, so that it is not a matter of 'one size fits all'. There are so many different options and avenues that can be followed and it is not just a matter of giving, for example, antibiotics or antidepressants, since it is important to ascertain the cause of the symptoms in order to have a positive effect on the problems.

Some of the symptoms of the diseases or problems  that I have experience in helping patients with include eczema, asthma, hay fever, hyperthyroidism, autism/Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, support during pregnancy and birthing procedures, vertigo, migraines, IBS.

Hay fever sufferers, usually, find that spring and summer are the worst seasons of the year. It can spoil this lovely time of year and make life miserable. It was due to hay fever that I first came across homeopathy. A colleague of mine, in Sydney, suffered from hay fever but she found that proprietary medicines used to treat hay fever made her very feel drowsy which made concentration at work difficult. One day she went to a homeopath and after a few visits and homeopathic remedies she was delighted because she no longer suffered with hay fever and she had no side effects. She felt her usual lively self and kept saying, " I can breathe, which is wonderful."

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The homeopathic practice is within easy reach of Esher, Kingston, Surbiton, Hampton, Guildford, Woking, Weybridge, Ripley, Teddington.
If you would like to find out more about homeopathy and how it can help you please do not hesitate to ring me on my home practice number: 01372 460016 or the Hinchley Wood Clinic number: 0208 339 3777 .

The One two One Osteopathic Clinic, 22 Manor Road North, Hinchley Wood, Surrey KT16 0SH.



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