Homeopathy in Esher / Hinchley Wood
near Surbiton and Kingston
Merran Sell LCH, BH (Hons), RSHom


If I am on medication can I use homeopathic remedies at the same time or do I need to stop my medication?
It is perfectly safe to take homeopathic remedies at the same time as you are taking medication prescribed by your doctor. However, it is always advisable to stay on the medication and only reduce it, after consultation with your doctor, when you start to feel some improvement in your condition.

Is homeopathy safe to take during pregnancy?
Yes, it is perfectly safe and, in fact, is very beneficial during pregnancy, during the birthing process and after delivery of your baby.

Is it safe for babies and small children?
Definitely, since it is safe to take the remedies during pregnancy it is quite safe for tiny babies to have remedies.

Who will benefit from homeopathy?
Homeopathy can be used safely by infants as well as parents; from pregnancy to retirement – all through life. In addition to the usual physical complaints, treatments offer help with emotional issues all of which form part of the whole picture since, as mentioned, homeopathy treats the person rather than the disease.

How can remedies be administered to a small baby?
If your baby is bottle fed then you can allow a granule to dissolve in the milk or water.
If your baby is being breast fed then you can dissolve a granule, in boiled water, in a small sterile dropper bottle and then put a couple of drops on or under your baby's tongue.

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